Tuesday, 14 August 2007


Well, here I am on my new lap top!!! ...I feel all officy and important!... Actually I am having great difficulty in controlling the mouse thing! It has taken me for ever to get to grips with all this computer stuff...I love it but I'm hopeless....Colin does all the e.bay writing so he is responsible for the bad grammar and spelling mistakes...such as the STRIPPY APRON and I think there are one or two on there at the moment...I just become sort of computer dyslexic....the right letters in the wrong places...thank goodness for the spell check...I can't spell for ****
Above is yet another butterfly cushion.

Oh I love mermaids and other fairy tale people...witches the most...I have one in my head....I will be starting her soon.

I am pleased with this...lovely for a child or in a bathroom...or anywhere ! It is made from mdf... Colin did all the dirty work...I had he pleasure of painting her.

The horse below is all my work...I carved it from mdf...I am trying to persuade Colin to have a go....It is hard work and very dusty so I doubt I shall do much more. I put knobs on this to hand things on...that's it really!

I have been with Colin a year and a half....I spent a lot of years on my own with my boys so have learned to do a lot of skills associated with men...we can do anything we put our minds to....However now I have Colin and he does the manly jobs...he is so lovely and kind...and he cooks great chocolate cakes!

Everyone loves my fish cushion so I have made another...I am diving into my precious stock of 70's fabrics....I wanted to keep them all for myself,for the day I have time to make myself something! If you click on him you should see all the bits of net and fishy materials I appliqued on...I don't think I spell appliqued right...take no notice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty, creative stuff as ever!